Oh my, how you always made my day.
I bet you don't know, of course you don't.
But your music really did save my soul. And god, how I thank you.
It was the first thing I really loved and cherish.
God I loved it. And still do.
Thank you for showing me the way.
I know it sounds stupid, but it really did help me trough rough times.
And now here I am, changed by you guys. For ever thanked,
if only I could do something for you guys, oh well.
All I can do is write. Isn't that all I can ever do?
I still remember the first note I heard from your music. It sounded so much like a revolution. And I liked it.
I had to hear more, more.
And in a time where no one knew you guys, it was hard.
No one really wanted to get near me. Afraid I was contagious.
And then you became all famous. I was happy, so happy.
But then came all the whores and fags, dressed like you. Like a new religion.
I knew they didn't like your music, they where just there because it was fashion.
But you still stood up to your music, and kept singing like nothing really mattered.
I loved seeing that.
And now here we are, me, a punk/metal freak, and you guys, babies and all.
Thank you, so much. For helping me become who I really was. No matter what.
domingo, 31 de maio de 2009
Publicada por Violet à(s) 15:59
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1 comentários:
Faço minhas as tuas palavras. MyChem muda realmente a vida das pessoas. Quando li que eles vinham a Portugal tive MESMO de me meter num comboio e ir, mesmo sem saber ao certo onde era o Coliseu, e segundo as lisboetas que conhecemos ir um grupo de raparigas de Beja sozinhas a Lisboa ser, aparentemente, uma loucura. Já tinha ido a uns quantos concertos mas nunca tive um momento de iluminação do género "Fodas, é mesmo isto" como naquele dia.
Rock On
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