domingo, 31 de maio de 2009

Oh my, how you always made my day.
I bet you don't know, of course you don't.
But your music really did save my soul. And god, how I thank you.
It was the first thing I really loved and cherish.
God I loved it. And still do.
Thank you for showing me the way.
I know it sounds stupid, but it really did help me trough rough times.
And now here I am, changed by you guys. For ever thanked,
if only I could do something for you guys, oh well.
All I can do is write. Isn't that all I can ever do?
I still remember the first note I heard from your music. It sounded so much like a revolution. And I liked it.
I had to hear more, more.
And in a time where no one knew you guys, it was hard.
No one really wanted to get near me. Afraid I was contagious.
And then you became all famous. I was happy, so happy.
But then came all the whores and fags, dressed like you. Like a new religion.
I knew they didn't like your music, they where just there because it was fashion.
But you still stood up to your music, and kept singing like nothing really mattered.
I loved seeing that.
And now here we are, me, a punk/metal freak, and you guys, babies and all.
Thank you, so much. For helping me become who I really was. No matter what.

segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2009

Misery Loves Company

It's not the time
It's not the place
I'm just another pretty face
So don't come any closer
You're not the first
You're not the last
How many more?
Don't even ask
You're one more dead composer

Do I need you?
Yes and no
Do I want you?
Maybe so
You're getting warm
You're getting warm
You're getting warmer oh
Did you plan this all along
Did you care if it was wrong
Who's getting warmer now
That I'm gone

Misery loves company
And company loves more
More loves everybody else
But hell is others

I'm not for you
You're not for me
I'll kill you first
You wait and see
You devil undercover
You're not a prince
You're not a friend
You're just a child
And in the end
You're one more selfish lover

Do I need you?
Yes and no
Do I want you?
Maybe so
You're getting warm
You're getting warm
You're getting warmer oh
Did you plan this all along
Did you care if it was wrong
Who's getting warmer now
That I'm gone

Misery loves company
And company loves more
More loves everybody else
But hell is others

You're so easy to read
But the book is boring me
You're so easy to read
But the book is boring me
You're so easy to read
But the book is boring
Boring boring boring boring
Boring boring me

Pray for me
If you want to
Pray for me
If you care
Pray for me
If you want to
Pray for me
If you dare
Pray for me
If you want to
Pray for me
If you care
Pray for me
If you want to
Pray for me you fucker
If you fucking dare

Misery loves company
And company loves more
More loves everybody else
But hell is others

Left right.

Tudo bem?
Porque me repito?
Não sei?
Pois não.
Até quando o meu porte altivo e jovem se inclinar para um vazio desconhecido
eu vou-me perguntar,
Onde estás tu?
Onde queres estar?
O que faço aqui?
O que faço eu?
Sou uma mera observadora.
De tudo o que outrora fora belo.
E agora ficou completamente coberto de verde morto,
Como os teus olhos.
Se calhar estou enganada,
E tu ainda vives
E eu ainda luto pela vida que outrem me tirou.
Ou talvez eu seja mais um zombie que caminha parado.
Que corre deitado.
Cheio de ilusões,
daquilo que outrora foi,
e que como o seu reflexo turvo na superfície de um lago abandonado,
já não come, já não se mexe.
Pura sanguessuga do passado,
remexe comigo e deixa-me aqui,
deitada e com ilusões de campos férteis e verdejantes.
Oh mas que sina a minha, quanto mais me esforço, mas caio e me vejo a curvar perante o que tu consegues e eu não.
Já não sou capaz, já devia ter percebido isso.
Os erros que cometi não me perdoaram.
Nem o tempo curou as feridas, nem tu as viste a sangrar.
Ignoraste a criança que te pedia ajuda.
Viste o meu coração,
e na confusão que viste, decidiste que ias aproveitar.
Para me esquartejar. E fazer gritar em completo, e pleno silencio.
Shhh, ainda ouves o mar?
Pois... Eu já não.