Não sei mais o meu destino
Pelas ruas deste pais
De desespero
Em que não me vês.
Nas ruas, eu vejo o teu reflexo
Não sei se és tu
Não sei quem és
Não sei mais quem és.
Não sei mais que fazer.
Esta rua esta escura
Não te vejo
Só te vejo a ti como és
Não, não me vou deixar levar.
Sei como és,
Sei o que fazes,
Sei como és.
Ainda que os candeeiros estejam partidos,
A lua reflecte no chão
Não há luz
Não há vida
Não há esperança
Tudo o que queria era ter-te.
Não, não posso.
Não não és aquilo que eu quero
Não consigo
Não tens nada.
Não quero
Não consigo.
Odeio-te, ou será que não.
Perdida, e encontrada por ti.
Não quero que me leves
Gosto disto aqui
Sei o que fazes
Sei de quem és
Sei onde tiveste
Não, nunca foste meu.
Mas nunca serás.
domingo, 28 de dezembro de 2008
Publicada por Violet à(s) 16:04 1 comentários
Etiquetas: perdida
I hate you
I hate you
Always did,
Always will.
You make a thoughtless gun
You make me smile.
But most of all,
You make me cry.
You don’t understand
The meaning of being happy
And you take it away
From all the other beings you know.
Why can’t you see?
That you are poisoning me.
Every day I cry,
For freedom of mind
And when you don’t care
And slip away from me
I fell the need
For more poison
Because I’m addicted
Treat me like the child I am.
Only wish you have it all,
And lose everything.
Publicada por Violet à(s) 15:56 0 comentários
Etiquetas: i hate you
domingo, 19 de outubro de 2008
A letter to myself
The last time you sent me a letter it was covered with a red liquid.
Maybe you tried to color the letter and didn’t quite work.
Well it smelled like metal. I didn’t know they made ink with the smell of metal.
I seemed like blood, but I’m sure I know you well enough to know you didn’t do anything stupid.
Well, I’ve been doing all right. It’s been 2 years since you didn’t write me back.
You seemed quite depressed and with some weird ideas. I don’t quite understand. But I’ll try to understand.
You said people despised you? I don’t believe that. Everyone that knows you likes you! So don’t really think about that.
You said people didn’t accept you? Well I do! I know you. So ignore it.
You said I don’t know anything because I’m normal? I may be normal. But inside I’m so not normal. And you know that. It’s not my fault that society is all wrong. I myself hate this society. I think we would be better off dead. But if we die, who will point out the rights and wrongs of society?
You know what? I don’t love you. In fact I hate you. But I love you at the same time. Because you are now a part of me. So I am happy I didn’t lose you.
A part of me believes it was not blood on that letter.
I believe you are stronger than that.
Your dear friend:
Publicada por Violet à(s) 05:02 1 comentários
sábado, 11 de outubro de 2008
Não vejo,
Não consigo abrir os olhos.
É dificil,
Não gosto da realidade.
Embora a conheça e aceite.
Mas eu tenho sonhos,
E pesadelos.
Alimento-me das esperanças,
E sobrevivo.
A vida não pode ser só isto,
Não pode.
Ah, o que é que interesa?
Tenho sonhos.
E realizalos, so quando eu for livre.
Abre as asas e voa para longe. Mas fica comigo.
Publicada por Violet à(s) 02:40 0 comentários
sábado, 27 de setembro de 2008
Found Myself
I found myself,
In a corner of a street,
And i didn't know where i was,
I was in your heart
And still i was scared,
Because i had been left alone there,
And i don't know you anymore,
And i walk alone trought your heart...
Where's the way out?
Where's the exit?
I see a light, a flashing light,
It's not like i'm the stupid one here.
So i keep on moving, until i find myself,
Bleeding in some one elses heart.
Or until someone saves ME.
Publicada por Violet à(s) 13:18 1 comentários
segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2008
She will be loved
can you hear me honey?
Of couse you don't... Sugar my heart beat is stoping, my dreams are your broken wings.
You can't see my heart, not even my sorow. Even if i scream, even if i die...
Sugar come to me, Feel me when i tell you that i'm thinking of you...
Is that all you can take? maybe you are not as strong as i thought...
Still i love you, you stupid guy, your blade makes my heart bleed... Have you no shame?
All alone in the dark i wait for death, Where is she? Maibe it's in your blade, In my heart, in my soul...
How can you be a living thing when you are already dead in side...
Publicada por Violet à(s) 13:03 0 comentários